Checklist for Home Buyers

When you buy a house the law is that you buy it as it stands and you do not generally have any come-back against the seller if anything is later found to be wrong with it.  A solicitor’s job is to ensure that you become the owner of the house you buy free from the […]

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Your House Purchase

This factsheet is issued to clients of Fraser Dawbarns and are for your use only. It is one in a series of Factsheets and a list of these are appended This summary contains important information.  We recommend you read it carefully. It cannot be comprehensive, but it gives background information and may help you to […]

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Making a Will (Leaflet)

Why Make A Will? By making a Will, you can control what happens to your property and assets after you die. If you don’t have a Will, the law will determine how your assets are distributed, regardless of what your wishes might have been. If you are not married to your partner, or in a […]

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