Our Employment Disputes Services
Our clients come to us with a wide range of employment disputes, from simple unpaid wages claims to complex unfair dismissal and discrimination claims. We routinely deal with issues such as:
Changes to Your Employment Contract
Generally, your employer should seek your agreement for any changes in your contract. If you do not agree to this, your employer may seek to impose the change. Your employer will need to have a strong business case in order to vary your contract without agreement. If your contract of employment is being altered without your consent,
contact our Employment Team who can provide you with advice on how to proceed under these circumstances.
Unpaid Money Claims
Employment disputes related to unpaid wages, redundancy, holiday pay, bonus payments, pensions, family leave, and flexible working should be acted upon quickly as it is harder to get your money after 3 months from the date you should have been paid. If you are unable to resolve this with your employer time is of the essence, so contact our Employment Team today and we can start guiding you through the process of making a claim.
If you have tried talking to your employer about a concern, problem or complaint but you are not able to resolve it informally, you can raise the matter formally using your employer’s grievance procedures. When raising a grievance against your employer, it is useful to have advice from an employment law professional to help you understand your rights. The employment experts at Fraser Dawbarns have helped numerous people bringing grievance claims and will be happy to assist you. Call or email us today for more information.
Disciplinary Procedures
If your employer is concerned about absences, your conduct, or your work, they can start disciplinary action against you. The disciplinary policy should be in writing and available to all employees. In brief, you should be invited to a disciplinary hearing where the complaint will be examined and which you are entitled to be accompanied to, a decision will then be reached and the outcome provided to you. If you receive an unsatisfactory outcome, you will be able to appeal this. This is very distressing process, but we will be on hand to provide advice through the procedure. If you are going through a disciplinary procedure, contact the Employment Team at Fraser Dawbarns for advice on your specific circumstances.
Bullying and Harassment Claims
Bullying or harassment can take many forms. It can be one-on-one or involve groups; it can be obvious or subtle. The one commonality is that it is unwarranted and unwelcome to the individual concerned. If you are being bullied or harassed at work, regardless of the form this takes,
contact the Employment Team at Fraser Dawbarns who can help you understand your legal position and help to find the solution that works best for you.
Health & Safety at Work
Health and safety has become a buzzword for when bureaucracy overrides common sense. However, in the most part health and safety law is rational, sensible and exists to ensure that employers have a duty of care to their workers. If you have been injured as a result of a health and safety breach and your employer has not provided suitable training or put adequate safety procedures in place, we can help you navigate the rules and regulations to help with your claim. Contact the Employment Team for advice on health and safety law in the workplace.
Redundancies, Workplace Restructuring and Business Transfer (TUPE)
A business reorganisation is a stressful time for employees of that firm. Historically, if your employer was bought or lost a major contract, it was likely that you would lose your job. Since 2006, the TUPE regulations have meant that employees now have far more protection from dismissal or changes to their contract in the event of a business restructure or transfer. If your employer is restructuring, the business is sold, or they lose a major contract, we can help you understand your rights in the case of redundancy or transfer to another employer.
Unfair or Constructive Dismissal Claims
Redundancy or dismissal because you are unable to do your job properly is usually considered to be fair dismissal. However, if your employer doesn’t have good reason for dismissing you or doesn’t follow the formal disciplinary or dismissal process, and you have the qualifying period of employment, you may be able to bring an unfair dismissal claim. If your employer’s conduct forces you to leave your job against your will, you may have grounds for a constructive dismissal claim. Contact our Employment Team who can advise you on whether you have a claim.
It is illegal for your employer to discriminate against you because of a protected characteristic. These are: age, gender reassignment, being married or in a civil partnership, being pregnant or on maternity leave, disability, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. If you have been discriminated against because of one of these ‘protected characteristics’, please
get in touch with our Employment Team who will be able to help you.